Repensar la innovació en medicaments

from Econsalut at on May 11, 2024 at 08:56PM

 Rethinking Innovation in Drugs: A Pathway to Health for All

La Mariana Mazucatto resumeix en aquest article la seva posició sobre la innovació al sector farmacèutic. Ho ha dit en altres llocs, però insisteix que cal una nova governança de la innovació. Bàsicament el missatge és que el govern no pot restar passiu com ara. Reprodueixo el paràgraf clau:

While funding is essential, it alone is not the solution. Government should adopt a mission-oriented approach to drug innovation, setting bold goals related to public health that serve to catalyze innovation and investment — goals that prioritize improved patient outcomes, reduction in disease prevalence, and access equity.Achieving such bold goals would necessitate a reform of intellectual property rights. Moreover, it would require a shift in how collaborations between the public and private sectors are structured to recognize that innovation results from a collective effort, valuing contributions from both public and private entities. And it would require governments to foster collaboration across different ministries, thereby avoiding the compartmentalized governance of health. The excessive tendency of governments to outsource key operations has unfortunately weakened these capacities.

Monet, ara a Orsay