Freakonomics interviews John Cawley about celebrity advertisements and repugnance (when the celebrity goes bad)

from Market Design at on June 27, 2024 at 01:33PM

 My email this morning included this announcement:

"Thank you for sitting
down with
Freakonomics Radio to discuss your work. The episode
"Your Brand’s Spokesperson Just Got Arrested — Now What?" includes
your interview and has just been released. You can listen and find the
transcript on our website
here, or download on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. We will be
posting the episode on our
Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn
pages and would love it if you could share it on your social media as well."

The episode interviews John Cawley about this paper:

The Role of Repugnance in Markets: How the Jared Fogle Scandal Affected Patronage of Subway  by John Cawley, Julia Eddelbuettel, Scott Cunningham, Matthew D. Eisenberg, Alan D. Mathios & Rosemary J. Avery NBER WORKING PAPER 31782 DOI 10.3386/w31782  October 2023

And they chat with me a bit about repugnance.

I had blogged about that paper here:

Saturday, October 21, 2023